Deep Sea World - PADI Assistant Instructor Course August 2017

Teaching the staff at Deep Sea World this week was something really special. We are so lucky to have such facilities in Scotland and we tend to take it for granted. But you can scuba dive in a controlled, safe environment and have the expert staff talk you through the various aquatic life you'll expect to see. All the marine life in the main aquarium can be found off of the coast of Scotland except for the seven Sand Tiger Sharks. It's an ideal education for kids and adults that may never get to see such life in their natural habitat.
Also very impressed with the Marine Conservation section at DSW and the team are educating the public of the dangers of plastic and rubbish in our Oceans. Through small lifestyle changes we can all help reduce our impact on nature and help protect the seas for years to come. There's a responsibility that all dive professionals have to teach how to properly interact with the underwater world and DSW take that very seriously. Well done Deep Sea World and thank you to Chris, Michael and Jamie being great hosts.
Contact the team at Deep Sea World and book your Shark Dive today -